

Please Note: We would like to recognize you for your donation, during our next community newsletter.

Are you are a Friend of Old Farm! and love it just as much as we do?  You may live in Old Farm now. Perhaps, you grew up in Old Farm…dwelling or just spending time here throughout childhood.  Maybe, you are a friend of Friends of Old Farm and you have become part of the Old Farm family.  Possibly, you just want to help Old Farm continue as a place of neighborly love, friendly gatherings, and Bull City Pride.

Please consider donating. We plan to use the funds to continue to beautify, enhance, and update our amazing community. 

Some current projects that your contributions can support are:

* Still Standing 

Contributions towards this initiative will go towards legal support to mitigate the impact of the construction and traffic concerns, related to this project.  One of the main concerns is the intent to run the school’s entire fleet of school buses through the neighborhood, by opening the dead-end of Old Well, to route the buses via Seven Oaks Rd.  The school system’s Traffic Impact Analysis estimated 28 buses, making multiple trips to and from the school, daily. Our goal is to minimize any negative impact on the Old Farm community.  These concerns include traffic, environmental and health impacts and safety.
(More information can be found on the Go Fund Me site:

* Old Farm Park Renovation Project

Old Farm Park currently has no playground equipment and will be undergoing a total renovation, over the next year or so.  Please also let us know if you’d like to be a part of the planning committee! 

*Spring Fling

An annual casual social gathering for neighbors of Old Farm.

*Annual Old Farm Holiday Gala

An annual formal/semi-formal social gathering for neighbors of Old Farm, that is generally held in December.

*General Donations will be used as needed by the community.


You can donate via your PayPal account:

Step 1: Log in to your PayPal account and select the “Send Money” tab.

Step 2: Enter the OFNA email address to which you are transferring the money.

Step 3: Enter the amount you wish to transfer (Enter message: General Donation or Donate to #Still Standing, etc.).

Step 4:  Select Payment Option (e.g. CCB Checking Acct–your payment source).

Step 5: Review & Select the “I’m sending money to family or friends” option.

Step 6: Click “Send Money” to complete the transfer.

Step 7: Review the payment and you’re done.

Step 8: Please also click and complete theFriend of Old Farm”  form

OR donate via CHECK/CASH

Please PRINT and fill out the “Friend of Old Farm” form, make check or money order payable to Old Farm Neighborhood Association (OFNA) and send to:

P.O. Box 73192
Durham, NC 27712-9998