Old Farm Neighborhood Association
It started, grew, and existed as a diverse, predominantly Black community. Spawned during the times of Durham’s Urban Renewal Project, the area quickly blossomed as a close-knit predominantly two parent, single-family neighborhood.

Old Farm
** 10/5/2024 (Saturday) – OFNA Neighborhood Brunch Social @ Silver Spoon Restaurant
All Old Farm residents, come out to socialize and break bread with fellow neighbors on Saturday, October 5th, from 1pm – 3pm at the Silver Spoon Restaurant located at 5230 N. Roxboro St. Let’s have a wonderful time as we fellowship and enjoy the camaraderie.
** 10/10/2024 (Thursday) @ 7 PM – OFNA Full Body Meeting [via Zoom]
Our October meeting of 2024. We will meet via Zoom. If you do not receive the meeting’s email reminder with login information by the Wednesday prior to the meeting, please email ADMIN@oldfarmdurham.org to be added to the meeting distro. All OFNA Members meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month. OFNA Executive Board meetings are on the 1st Thursday of each month.
** Hurricane Preparedness
Hurricane season is here and means that we should have a plan in place. If you’re 50 or older, there are extra things to pay particular attention to.
In addition to getting the basics, including water, nonperishable food, a first-aid kit, flashlights, batteries and a full tank of gas, older adults need to think ahead.
Anyone with medical issues who may need to go to a shelter should make those preparations early — before a weather event hits. Some shelters provide access to nurses, medical staff or other equipment, but they need to know you’re coming. Have enough prescription medicine to last for several days, or even two weeks if power is out for an extended period and pharmacies aren’t open. Make those arrangements early on. If you’re doing it at that last minute, that’s not going to work well.
Have a plan for where you might go if necessary — whether that means a shelter, hotel or staying with a friend or relative — even if evacuation isn’t required.
If you’re evacuating, do it earlier versus later. You don’t want to be driving in the rain or through high water or on a road experiencing flooding.
Make sure you have contact information for people you might need to notify if you leave home. You don’t want to leave them guessing. See checklist linked below:
** 10/1/2024 (Tuesday) @ 5pm – 7pm – OFNA National Night Out @ Old Farm Park
National Night Out (NNO) teams law enforcement agencies with citizens, community leaders, civic groups and local businesses to promote safe, healthy neighborhoods. The NNO observance was designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness; generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs; strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and send a message to criminals letting them know neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.
** 9/12/2024 (Thursday) @ 7 PM – OFNA Full Body Meeting [via Zoom]
Our September meeting of 2024. We met via Zoom. If you did not receive the meeting’s email reminder with login information by the Wednesday prior to the meeting, please email ADMIN@oldfarmdurham.org to be added to the meeting distro. All OFNA Members meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month. OFNA Executive Board meetings are on the 1st Thursday of each month.
** 7/4/2024 & 7/6/2024 (Thursday & Saturday) Festival for the Eno @ West Point on the Eno
Thanks to all that attended “Enofest.” Our Eno River Association POC, Natalie Wallace, worked diligently to ensure we were able to easily enjoy in the festivities with free tickets and shuttle service/
Here are few pictures of our first shuttle group on the 4th:
** 6/8/2024 (Saturday) – OFNA Neighborhood Brunch Social @ Silver Spoon Restaurant
Almost 30 Old Farm residents came out to socialize and break bread with fellow neighbors on Saturday, June 8th at the Silver Spoon Restaurant located at 5230 N. Roxboro St. A wonderful time was had by all and everyone eagerly awaits the next gathering.
** 5/20/2024 (Monday) – OFNA Neighborhood Clean-Up
The City of Durham Neighborhood Improvement Services’ Impact Team partnered with OFNA to have our Spring Cleaning Neighborhood Clean-Up day.
** 5/4/2024 (Saturday) @ 4PM – 6PM – OFNA Spring Fling
Annual Spring neighborhood gathering to facilitate fellowship with neighbors, kids activities, refreshments, music, dancing, OFNA Memberships, and FUN! Over 40 OFNA neighbors attended!
** 10/3/2023 (Tuesday) @ 5pm – 7pm – OFNA National Night Out @ Old Farm Park
National Night Out (NNO) teams law enforcement agencies with citizens, community leaders, civic groups and local businesses to promote safe, healthy neighborhoods. The NNO observance is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness; generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs; strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and send a message to criminals letting them know neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.
** 6/4/2023 (Saturday) @ 4PM – 6PM – OFNA Spring Fling
Annual Spring neighborhood gathering to facilitate fellowship with neighbors, kids activities, refreshments, music, dancing, OFNA Memberships, and FUN!
** {OFNA} 2023 Membership Dues!!!
I cordially invite you to become a member of OFNA (the Old Farm Neighborhood Association) for the year 2023, if you have not done so already.
Linked is the 2023 Membership Form. The form provides instructions for paying dues electronically via Paypal (instructions below and no need to print form for this option) or paying by check/cash.
How to send money through PayPal using your account:
Step 1: Log in to your PayPal account and select the “Send Money” tab.
Step 2: Enter the OFNA email address OldFarm.Durham@gmail.com to which you are transferring the money.
Step 3: Enter the amount you wish to transfer (Enter message: Dues for 2023).
Step 4: Select Payment Option (e.g. CCB Checking Acct–your payment source).
Step 5: Review & Select the “I’m sending money to family or friends” option.
Step 6: Click “Send Money” to complete the transfer.
Step 7: Review the payment and you’re done.
Step 8: Please also complete the electronic membership form at https://forms.gle/
Please PRINT and fill out this 2023 Membership Form, make a check or money order payable to Old Farm Neighborhood Association (OFNA) and send to:
P.O. Box 73192
Durham, NC 27712-9998
If you want to drop off your Dues payment or have questions, contact:
Treasurer: Mrs. Tanya Exum-Coston Cell: 919-695-3260
or Financial Secretary: Carolyn Young Cell: 919-824-2279
I look forward to you joining OFNA ,and I hope to see you at the next OFNA Full Body meeting.
** OLD FARM Shirts and Hats Will Go On Sale At The End Of March
We had a wildly popular and very successful OFNA Shirts fundraiser! There were almost 100 individuals who order shirts for themselves or family! There have already been requests for a second order. More info to follow. Thanks for proudly representing OLD FARM!
** 2/9/2023 (Thursday) @ 7 PM – OFNA Full Body Meeting
Our February meeting of 2023. We will meet via Zoom. If you did not receive the meeting’s email reminder with login information, please email ADMIN@oldfarmdurham.org to be added to the meeting distro.
All OFNA Members meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month. OFNA Executive Board meetings are on the 1st Thursday of each month.
** 1/12/2023 (Thursday) @ 7 PM – OFNA Full Body Meeting – OFNA Elected Officers’ Installation
Our first meeting of 2023. We will meet via Zoom. OFNA Elected Officers’ Installation will be conducted by Dr. James A. Richmond. If you did not receive the meeting’s email reminder with login information, please email ADMIN@oldfarmdurham.org to be added to the meeting distro.
All OFNA Members meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month. OFNA Executive Board meetings are on the 1st Thursday of each month.
** 10/24/2022 to 11/4/2022 – OLD FARM Shirt Fundraiser
We had a very successful OFNA Shirts fundraiser, and many eagerly anticipate being able to don our neighborhood shirts and show our Old Farm pride, as we are out and about. Amazing participation by our neighbors and many former residents participated and made donations!
The winner of the raffle for a $50 Visa Gift Card was FRANKIE PEACE! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Everyone who participated will be notified when the shirts come in and will be contacted to coordinate pickups and deliveries by Tanya Exum-Coston exumcoston@gmail.com; 919-695-3260 or Carolyn Young youngcarolyn369@gmail.com
** 11/10/2022 (Thursday) @ 7PM – OFNA Full Body Meeting
OFNA Elections were held. Elected Officers for the 2023 – 2024 two year terms are:
President – Trey Gilmore
Vice President – Mesina Reddish
Recording Secretary – Kim Harris
Corresponding Secretary – Shala Perla
Treasurer – Tanya Exum-Coston
Financial Secretary – Carolyn Young
Parliamentarian – David Harris
Congratulations to our newly elected officers!
** ON SALE NOW – A Century+ of Living: The Autobiography of Cora Jones “Boot” McLeod
The link to buy is HERE.
** 10/13/2022 (Thursday) @ 7PM – OFNA Full Body Meeting
OFNA Bylaws revision was approved. Holt Athletic Association President, Don Daves visited to speak about their field adjacent to Old Farm Park and HAA current initiatives. Nominating Committee has begun formulating the slate for November officer elections. Contact Mary Vickers or Barbara Lassiter if interesting on the OFNA Board.
All OFNA Members meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month. OFNA Executive Board meetings are on the 1st Thursday of each month.
** 10/10/2022 (Monday) @ 6PM – Durham PAC2 Meeting
Partners Against Crime (PAC) is a community based volunteer organization that brings together citizens and law enforcement, as well as city and county departments, to find sustainable solutions to community crime problems and quality of life issues.
PAC 2 is one of five such groups in Durham, one each for our five Police Districts. Besides being the nation’s most completely PAC covered city, it’s another example of how Durham and Old Farm citizens play a direct and active role in attending to our community.
PAC2 monthly meetings are held monthly, every 2nd Monday, at Edison Johnson Recreation Center, 500 W Murray Ave, Durham, NC 27704.
** 9/13/2022 (Tuesday) @ 1PM – City of Durham, Public Works, Stormwater & GIS Services Division
(They cancelled the meeting, then came out another day & time alone, reportedly, without telling OFNA)
Principal Engineer @ Stormwater & GIS Services, Graham Summerson, was to conduct a site visit walk-thru along the Eno River bank north of Rippling Stream Rd. The visit was to address river widening, lack of vegetation, erosion, and increased flooding risk.
** 9/8/2022 (Thursday) @ 6PM – Durham Parks and Recreation, OLD FARM PARK RENOVATION!!!
We welcomed a team from Durham Parks and Recreation Department and Eno River Association.
DPR was excited to come to Old Farm Park and more enthused about the number of Old Farm residents who showed up, participated, and brainstormed. They brought a Fun Caravan with games for kids and adults and they a great time. Outdoor education staff from the Eno River Association also joined us to talk about the river system.
Stations had boards and maps which collected neighborhood visions and ideas. DPR Staff collected our thoughts about the park. At the stations, there were questions that will help establish what features we love about the park, what we want to change, and how we can envision a improved park.
As you know, a key consideration of this park is the Eno River. They are working with us to understand the relationship between the park and the river. They’re also flagging to visually illustrate the flood lines which can constrain development and special markings in the park to show new opportunities for park expansion and play.
This information will help them develop a longer term plan for the park and set us up for the next phase of playground development. They are also planning short term maintenance goals for this year including improvements to the basketball court and bathroom, new signage, improved trash cans.
** 9/8/2022 (Thursday) @ 6PM – OFNA Full Body Meeting, in-person at OLD FARM PARK!!!
Please note the September meeting was in-person at Old Farm Park and there was no formal business. Approximately 40 neighbors attended and spoke with the team from Durham Parks and Recreation Department (and one another) for almost two hours in total!
** 8/14/2022 (Sunday) Burton and Lee KING RECOGNITION
OFNA recognized Burton and Lee King, the longest tenured residents of Old Farm (11/1/1968), who recently moved to the Croasdaile area in Durham.
About 25 attendees were present to honor the legacy of the Kings. The agenda for the ceremony is linked HERE
The Kings were presented a THIS IS YOUR LIFE BOOK, a check was presented for donation to their favorite mission at Aldersgate Church, and OFNA President Trey Gilmore presented a Resolution on behalf of the neighborhood.
For decades, the Kings have been active and dedicated stewards & members of OFNA, Aldersgate United Methodist Church, and the Durham Community. Please read the King’s historical note, “The Beginning of Old Farm Remembrances of Burton and Lee King” (Click Here). Also, the Kings volunteered with Aldersgate Church to help tutor children at Oxford Manor. In the link, scroll down to Conduit and you will see Mrs. King talk about that mission in a 5 minute video (Click Here).
** 8/2/2022 (Tuesday) from 6:00pm – 8:00pm OFNA National Night Out
National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live.
** 7/31/2022 (Sunday) @ 4PM – Cora Jones “Boot” McLeod 104th Birthday Celebration
All OFNA residents are encouraged to participate in the Birthday Drive-By Salute and Celebration of neighbor Cora McLeod’s 104th Birthday. Cars will organize at the Seven Oaks end of Whippoorwill, and begin at 4pm. There is no expense to join in the parade; our goal is to present her with 104 Birthday Greeting Cards. Tanya Exum-Coston also compiled a brief overview (click here). Cora McLeod will also attend National Night Out to sign copies of her autobiography.
** 7/27/2022 (Wednesday) @ 10AM – Northern High School Beam Signing and Topping Out Ceremony
OFNA Leaders will join other community leaders as they celebrate an important milestone in the construction of Northern High School.
** 7/14/2022 (Thursday) @ 7PM – OFNA Full Body Meeting
All OFNA Members meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month. OFNA Executive Board meetings are on the 1st Thursday of each month.
** 6/9/2022 (Thursday) @ 7PM – OFNA Full Body Meeting
All OFNA Members met on key neighborhood items like the hugely successful Spring Fling, Old Farm Park Renovation, and the on-going updates regarding work with the School Board, City Leaders, and other agencies dealing with New Northern High School construction. OFNA Executive Board met on the Thursday, 6/2/2022.
** 6/4/2022 – Spring Fling
Annual Spring neighborhood gathering to facilitate fellowship with neighbors, kids activities, refreshments, music, dancing, OFNA Memberships, and FUN!
** 5/26/2022 – OFNA PR Committee Meeting with Durham Public Schools
OFNA Executive Committee Representatives met with Durham Public Schools Leadership and NHS Project Leaders in order to prevent Seven Oaks Road from being used as a thoroughfare, discuss bus route plans, safety concerns, and property damage from blasting.
** 5/18/2022 – OFNA Meeting w/DPR on Old Farm Park Renovation
Durham Department of Parks and Recreation is working with OFNA to completely renovate Old Farm Park. David Harris, our point person for the project, has already started a list of suggestions already suggested in no order are (email additional suggestions and input to Admin@OldFarmDurham.org:
- Safety for our kids.
- Safe playground equipment for the kids.
- Kids are safe from vehicular traffic.
- A walking/running trail around the park.
- Area for adults to sit to watch the kids playing.
- Bathrooms near kids play area.
- Shelter near kid play area.
- Electricity in the shelter.
- Limited parking area near kids play area.
- Water fountain near kids play area.
Years of Establishment
City Services

Get in Touch
OFNA P.O. Box 73192, Durham NC 27712-9998